As lawmakers in Kentucky are moving closer to declaring the entire Bluegrass State to be a ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary,” an Oregon Appeals Court panel ruled counties in the Beaver State cannot declare themselves as sanctuaries and prohibit police from enforcing “certain gun laws.”
WKYT News is reporting that the Kentucky legislation, House Bill 153, was passed out of committee with only one vote against it. The bill will go before the full House for a vote.
HB 153 is sponsored by state Rep. Josh Bray, a Mount Vernon Republican who suggested this measure is timely due to the recent rule change on pistol braces by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. He pointed to the way the ATF did an about-face on the devices under the current administration, which were “okay” under the previous two administrations.
While the idea seems to have traction in Kentucky, out in Oregon the Court of Appeals just threw a roadblock in the way of counties which declared themselves Second Amendment Sanctuaries. It stems from a measure in Columbia County, according to Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB). The ruling says counties can’t do this because it violates Oregon’s state preemption law.
The ruling was hailed by Democrat State Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, who declared, “Hopefully, other counties with similar measures on the books will see the writing on the wall.”
Over the past few years, according to OPB, an estimated 1,200 counties in various states including Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, New Mexico and Virginia have declared themselves Second Amendment Sanctuaries, though it may have been largely symbolic. The movement started in 2018 in reaction to stricter gun control laws, the report said.
The idea gathered momentum in Virginia in 2020 after Democrats took control of the legislature, pushing through much of then-Gov. Ralph Northam’s gun control agenda. While only about 40 percent of Virginia voters submitted ballots in November 2019, by Spring of 2020, the sanctuary movement had taken off across the commonwealth. In November 2021, voters turned out in huge numbers, spurred not only by the gun rights issue, but also angry over problems in the schools.
Meanwhile, in Florida, Fox13 News is reporting an effort by Manatee County Commissioner Jason Bearden to have his county designated as a Second Amendment Sanctuary.
“This would be a good opportunity to send a message to Joe Biden that his unconstitutional policies will not be tolerated right here in Manatee County, and he can take his policies and stick it where the sun don’t shine,” he reportedly said.
The story notes Bearden’s effort got support from every other commissioner at the meeting.