By Tanya Metaksa
What’s New—US DOJ: Announces National Task Force against Machinegun Conversion Devices; POLITICS: Primary elections during September 2024; VA AG Winsome Earle-Sears announced her 2025 campaign for VA governor; Texas State Fair: State Fair responds to lawsuit; California: The Aug. 23 proposal by the CA DOJ will increase the current $1.00 fee per authorization of the Ammunition Eligibility Check to $5.00: Idaho: Twin Falls Police Department (TFPD) attempting to get firearms dealers to use Leads Online; Louisiana: GOA threatens lawsuit over gun ban at Lafayette Science Museum; Oregon: possess a “ghost gun,” or the parts to construct one is now a state crime; Wyoming: The Joint Judiciary Committee is having a meeting on Sept. 19-20. The meeting agenda includes an item titled Firearms.
BATFE enforcement efforts
Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco delivered remarks concerning the DOJ’s efforts to combat unlawful Machinegun Conversion Devices on Sept. 6. She opened her remarks by stating that “Today, MCDs are the most frequently recovered type of illegal firearm.”She then described the DOJ’s new directive to combat the production of unlawful machinegun conversion devices, which includes:
“First, I am establishing the Justice Department’s Action Network to Terminate Illegal Machinegun Conversion Devices — or ANTI-MCD for short…
“So, the second action I’m announcing today is the creation of a national MCD Training Initiative — spearheaded by ATF and designed to equip law enforcement and prosecutors with the tools they need to combat MCDs…
“I’m directing all 94 U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to prioritize MCD prosecutions by employing comprehensive and district-specific MCD enforcement strategies.”
Election 2025
Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears
According to Atlanta Daily World, Lt. Gov of Virginia Winsome Earle-Sears, who campaigned for her current office with a picture of her holding a rifle, announced: “Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears (R), the first Black woman to ever statewide office in Virginia, could again make history with her bid for governor. On Wednesday (September 4), Earle-Sears launched her campaign for Virginia governor as the state’s Department of Elections accepted the necessary document for her run, per NBC News.”
Primary elections for September
Grades courtesy of NRA-PVF
Election Held On Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Delaware: NRA Endorsed candidates are in BOLD
Governor: Mike Ramone (R) – B+, the remaining Republican candidates – ?, All Democrat candidate – F.
Lt. Governor: Ruth Briggs King (R), All Democrat candidate – F.
State Senate:
District 18: NRA Endorsed Dave Wilson (R). – A, Robert ‘Bob” Reed (R) – ?
New Hampshire: NRA Endorsed candidates are in BOLD
U.S. House—Congressional District 2 Republican primary:
The following candidates got AQ grades: Gerard Beloin, Casey Crane, and Lily Tang Williams. Three candidates got F grades: Michael Callis, Maggie Goodlander, and Colin Van Ostern. All the rest were ?.
Governor: Kelly Ayotte (R) – A; Chuck Morse (R) – A; Joyce Craig (D) – F; Cinde Warmington (D); Jon Kiper (D) – ?
Executive Council – District 2: Karen Liot Hall (D) – ?; Michael Liberty (D) – F
Executive Council – District 4: John Stephen (R) – AQ; Terese Bastarche (R) – AQ; All the remaining candidates from both parties ?.
Executive Council – District 5: Melanie Levesque (D) – ?; Shoshanna Kelley (D) – F.
State Representative:
District Belknap 02 (pick 2): Matt Coker (R) – A; both others are ?
District Belknap 05 (pick 4): Steven T. Bogert (R) – A; Mike Bordes (R) – A; Dawn M. Johnson (R) – A; both others are ?
District Belknap 06 (pick 4): The following are A-rated candidates: Harry H. Bean (R), Richard R, Beaudoin (R), Russell Dumais (R), David Nagel (R), Ronnie Abbott (R) – AQ.
District Belknap 07 (pick 3): The following are A-rated candidates: Barbara Combs (R), Peter R. Varney (R), and Paul A. Terry (R).\
District Carroll 08 (pick 2): The following are A-rated candidates: Richard R. Brown and Michael Costable, Jr.
District Grafton 03: Paul H. Schirdual (R) – AQ.
District Grafton 05 (pick 2): Rick Ladd (R) – A, Marie Louise Bjelobrk (R) – AQ, Greg Marthieson (R) – AQ
District Hillsborough 02 (pick 7): The following Republicans got an A grade: Ted Gorski, Linda Gould, and Kristin Noble; The following Republicans got an AQ grade: Russan Chester and Danielle Evansic.
District Hillsborough 05 (pick 3): The following Democrats got an F grade: Susan A. Elberger and Heather Raymond.
District Hillsborough 12 (pick 8): All the Democrats are F or ?; three Republicans are A: Bill Boyd, Maureen Mooney, and Jeanine Notter. Jule Miles (R) – AQ, Rebekah Woodman (R) – D, and the remaining three are ?.
District Hillsborough 14 (pick 2): Richard W. Lascelles (R) – A; all the remaining Republicans are ?.
District Hillsborough 22 (pick 2): All Democrats are either F or ?.
District Hillsborough 23 (pick 2): All Democrats are either F or ?.
District Hillsborough 29 (pick 4): The following Republicans got an A: Joe Alexander and Sheila Seidel; Peter Georgantas (R) ?; Henry R. Galsson III (R) and Sherri Reinfort (R) Are AQ.
District Hillsborough 34 (pick 3); Only Russ Hodgkins (R) – AQ, remaining are ?.
District Hillsborough 35 (pick 2); Republicans Liz Barbour and Sue Momola – A.
District Hillsborough 38 (pick 2); Republican Ralph G. Boehm – A; Kim Rice – AQ; Mark Edgington – ?.
District Hillsborough 41 (pick 3); All Democrats are ? Except for Lily M. Foss – F;
District Merrimack 03 (pick 2): Republicans are? Except for Werner D. Horn AQ.
District Merrimack 04 (pick 2); Republicans Jose E. Cambrils and Michael Moffett – A. Carolyn A. Virtue – AQ.
District Merrimack 09 (pick 4): Two Democrats rated F: Muriel Hall and David Luneau. The remaining three are: a.
District Merrimack 12 (pick 2): Brian Seaworth (R) – A, Peter L. Mehegan (R) – AQ, Charles E. Therrien (R) – ?.
District Merrimack 13 (pick 2): Cyril Aures (R) – A, Clayton Wood (R) – A, Sabrina Ann Smith (R) – ?.
District Merrimack 25: James Thibault (R) – AQ, Brandon Stevens (R) – ?
District Rockingham 01 (pick 3): All Democrats: Hal Rafter – F, the remaining candidates – ?.
District Rockingham 04 (pick 3): All Republicans: Tim Cahill – A, Mike Drago – A, and Kevin Pratt – A. The remaining candidates are ?.
District Rockingham 06: Both Republicans are.
District Rockingham 07: Josh Yokela (R) – A, Lawrence A. Miner – A, Kalup Natjam Veneman (R) – ?.
District Rockingham 10 (pick 3): Democrats: Lela Porter Love – ?, remaining Democrats – F.
District Rockingham 11 (pick 4): Democrats: Katrina Heinrich – ?, remaining Democrats – F.
District Rockingham 13 (pick 10): Republicans: James E. Dietzel – ?, five remaining Endorses Republicans – A.
District Rockingham 14 (pick 2): Republicans: Kenneth L. Weyler – A, two remaining Republicans – ?
District Rockingham 15 (pick 2): Joe Guthrie (R) – A, Lilli Walsh (R) – A, Cale Houston (R) – ?.
District Rockingham 16 (pick 7): All 6 Endorsed incumbent Republicans – A, Joseph M. Gagnon – AQ, two remaining Republicans – ?.
District Rockingham 25 (pick 9): All 9 Endorsed incumbent Republicans – A, Betty I. Gay (R) – ?.
District Rockingham 29 (pick 4): All Republicans – ?.
District Rockingham 30 (pick 2): All two i/endorsed incumbent Republicans – A, Matt Sabourin (R) – AQ, William L. Fowler – ?.
District Rockingham 32: Scott Wallace (R) – A, Melissa A. Litchfield (R) – A.
District Rockingham 40: Both Republican candidates – ?.
District Stratford 03: David A. Bickford (R) – A, Susan DeRoy (R) – ?.
District Stratford 10 (pick 4): Democrats Gale Bailey and Wayne M. Burton – ?, remaining three Democrats – F.
District Stratford 11:(pick 3): Democrats Erik Johnson and Andrew Kennedy – ?, remaining two Democrats – F.
District Stratford 15: Democrats Lucas Veitch – ?, Alice Wade – F.
District Stratford 19:(pick 3): Democrats John Larochelle and Melena Lugo – ?, remaining two Democrats – F.
District Sullivan 06: (pick 3): Emily Sandblade (R) – A, Tom Luther (R) – AQ, remaining three Republican – ?.
District Sullivan 08: (pick 2): Jonathan F. Stone (R) – A, Michael Aron (R) – AQ, Codi Raymond (D) – ?, Hope Damon (D) – F.
State Senate:
District 15: All Democrat candidates – F.
District 20: Pal Long (D) – F, Sean Parr (D) – ?.
District 23: NRA endorsed Bill Gannon – A, Emily Phillips – A.
Rhode Island: NRA Endorsed candidates are in BOLD
State Senate: Unfortunately, all Democrat incumbents are F-rated
District 25: NRA Endorsed candidate in an open seat: Andrew Dimitri (D) – AQ
Texas State Fair
The city of Dallas last Thursday reacted to the lawsuit filed by Attorney General Ken Paxton concerning the banning of firearms at the Texas State Fair by issuing the following statement: “The City of Dallas is aware of the lawsuit filed by the State of Texas and disagrees with the allegations against the City and interim city manager. The City was not involved in the State Fair of Texas’ announcement of its enhanced weapons policy. The State Fair of Texas is a private event operated and controlled by a private, non-profit entity and not the City.”
State Legislation and local communities
States that are still in session: Illinois (recess), Illinois (recess), Massachusetts, Michigan (recess), New Hampshire (recess), New Jersey (recess), Ohio (recess), Oklahoma (recess), North Carolina (recess), Pennsylvania (recess), Virginia (recess), Wisconsin (recess)
California: The California legislature has adjourned.
The California Department of Justice (CA-DOJ) is now trying to solve California’s fiscal shortfall on the backs of gun owners. One could see it coming last year when the legislature passed two bills giving the Attorney General the power to increase fees. The August 23rd proposal will increase the current $1.00 fee per authorization of the Ammunition Eligibility Check to $5.00. Public comments on the proposed rule can be submitted to Q Farris, Department of Justice, PO Box 160487, Sacramento, CA 95816.
Idaho: Greg Pruett, President and Founder of the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, has written two articles in the Idaho Dispatch describing the Twin Falls Police Department (TFPD) attempt to get firearms dealers to use Leads Online, an online program used by The Twin Falls Police Department to track stolen property, Although Pruett has tried to get information from the TFPD his questions have been ignored. One of the federal firearms dealers, Joshua Van Dyke of Homestead Tactical, has been fighting the TFPD’s promotion of the Leads Online software as well. State Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld (R) commented to the Idaho Dispatch.
“When my constituents who own gun shops reached out to me about the issue of a third-party gun registry implemented by local law enforcement agencies,” she said, “I recognized it as a backdoor infringement on our Second Amendment rights at the local level. This is exactly how we begin to lose our freedoms. I have contacted Attorney General Labrador’s office to clarify Idaho’s definition of gun registration.”
Louisiana: As we reported a few weeks ago, the University of Louisiana and the Mayor of Lafayette Parish are trying to erect a 1,000-foot firearms-free zone around the Lafayette Science Museum. Gun Owners of America (GOA) has had their attorney draft a letter demanding the city comply with the Constitutional Carry legislation passed earlier this year by the legislature. The letter demands a reply by August 27, or a suit will be filed.
Oregon: On Sept. 1, Oregon’s “ghost gun” ban law became effective. Owning or possessing a “ghost gun” is now illegal in the state and having the raw materials for making them is also a crime.
Wyoming: The Joint Judiciary Committee is having a meeting on Sept. 19-20. The meeting agenda includes an item titled Firearms.The explanation: “The Committee will also receive updates from the Wyoming Attorney General’s Office and the working group addressing firearms issues.”