With its January 2025 issue, GUNS Magazine will mark a milestone.
Founded in 1955, GUNS will celebrate its 70th anniversary. As noted in an article published by The Outdoor Wire, the publication broke ground “as the first magazine dedicated to firearms.” Over the years, this monthly magazine has witnessed and reported evolutionary developments in the firearms field, and the writings of many of America’s leading gun writers have graced its pages.
“From rockin’ the range in the ’50s and ’60s and feelin’ groovy in the ’70s and ’80s to the grunge and guns of the ’90s and 2000s, GUNS has been at the forefront of American gun culture,” according to the Outdoor Wire report, which focuses on the January anniversary issue. “Massad Ayoob reflects on 48 years of writing the Handguns column and meeting some of the legends of the shooting world, shared memories of dads and uncles reading early issues of Guns — and the immediate influence it had on hunting and personal-defense purchases — and a glimpse into the future of what guns, ammo and gear could look like in 2055.”
TGM reached out to GUNS Editor Brent T. Wheat, who said via email, “It’s hard to even summarize what it means for GUNS Magazine to reach our 70th anniversary. Going back through the old issues, it’s easy to see the major role GUNS has played in the world of shooting whether it was interviewing the Shah of Iran, covering new trends or helping launch a gun or caliber.
“We started out by focusing on the reader and today this daily emphasis remains, which is one major reason we’re still around to celebrate at a time when the publishing industry is certainly facing challenges,” Wheat added. “We’ll continue to concentrate on our loyal audience and keep sharing our love of safe and responsible firearms use. It’s a winning formula and hopefully, someday, an editor yet unborn will be just finished putting together our 140th anniversary issue!”
While other publications have come and gone, GUNS has been appearing on magazine stands for decades. And the January issue is loaded.
“The winner of January’s Firearms Package Giveaway will be one of the first to own a Shadow Systems’ CR920XP compensated pistol, a long-grip version of the CR920 with an extended dust cover,” according to the report at The Outdoor Wire. “It sports a black frame, ELITE slide optic and bronze spiral compensated barrel. Included in the giveaway are two 15-round Shadow Systems magazines, a range bag and the Shadow Systems tool. Valued at $1,046, readers are encouraged to enter the free drawing at GUNSMagazine.com/giveaways.”
Elsewhere in the January issue, Payton Miller notes, “It isn’t often someone gets to shoot a newly introduced pistol, then lives long enough to see it become an ultra-rare, high-dollar collectible.” He showcases the .45 ACP Semmerling LM-4, a well-made rarity once defined as a “pocket powerhouse,” in the Surplus & Classic column. In Make Ready, James Queisner contends training should be an ongoing and lifelong process, because “good” shooters are constantly taking classes to keep fundamental skills sharp while gaining new abilities. While fancy, custom sixguns are cool, it’s the backstory that gives the gun its personality: Jeff “Tank” Hoover visits Big Al DiPrima to get the scoop on his Frankengun in Think Tank.
Exclusive online articles can be found at GUNSMagazine.com — as well as classic GUNS issues from decades past. Don’t miss GUNS Magazine Podcast episodes like, “Where Have All The Gunsmiths Gone?” Purchase the Jan. issue or order a subscription at fmgpubs.com. Digital versions are also available.