The Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’ Institute,®Inc., (SAAMI®) has announced the acceptance of three new rifle cartridges for SAAMI standardization, according to The Outdoor Wire.
SAAMI is the organization at the forefront of promoting firearm safety by creating standards that ensure safety, reliability and interchangeability of firearms, ammunition and components.
Click on the cartridge name to open the introduction package.
7mm Backcountry – The 7mm Backcountry (7mm BC) was introduced by Federal Premium Ammunition (The Kinetic Group) with a 170-grain bullet traveling at a velocity of 3,000 fps and a Maximum Average Pressure of 80,000 psi.
25 Creedmoor – The 25 Creedmoor (25 CM) was introduced by Hornady Manufacturing Company with a 134-grain bullet traveling at a velocity of 2,810 fps and a Maximum Average Pressure of 62,000 psi.
338 Advanced Rifle Cartridge – The 338 Advanced Rifle Cartridge (338 ARC) was introduced by Hornady Manufacturing Company with a 175-grain bullet traveling at a velocity of 2,050 fps and a Maximum Average Pressure of 52,000 psi.
For further information on these new cartridges please visit https://saami.org/technical-information/cartridge-chamber-drawings/.